Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Making Tier Stands

Hello there!
I'm super excited to show you something that is simple and easy to do. I love making these for two reasons.
1. cheap craft 2. pretty 
what's not to love?
For today's tier, I'm gonna show you how make a 2-tier stand for any occasion.
2 plates (Target)
candle stick (Goodwill)
E-6000 (JoAnns)
spray paint (optional)
1.Get your candlestick ready.
Okay, so now if you're me and found a cool candlestick but its ugly my option is to spray paint it. I thought it would neat to rough it up a little after it dried so this is how it turned out.
2. Plates please.
Here's the ones I choose from Target. Other options for cheap plates are Walmart, Goodwill, or other thrift stores. Clearance is good too :)

3. The glue, E-6000.
Now, if you've never used this glue it has pretty strong smell. Also it goes on fast once it starts coming out. So be careful not to get your fingers all sticky! (This glue is a really strong glue. It's meant for wood, metal, glass and other elements.)



Put a bead around the top of your candlestick.
Center your candlestick.
I used the Target Home symbol on the bottom of the plate. Then make sure to wipe the excess glue

4. Repeat
Use steps 1-3 for the bottom of your plate. I used my best judgement to center the candlestick. But you can measure and mark off with a pencil to help center yours if that will help you.
5. Ta-da!
That's it. The End. See. Simple and easy.
Oh! But make sure to allow 24hrs to let the glue dry before using it.
Just for kicks, here are a few other tiers I've made to inspire you more.
Now, go make some tiers, my dears!



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